The Matrix |
Disclaimer: By providing links to other websites, A New Day - A New Earth does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products available on those websites. |
Two Movies That Describe The Matrix |
The Matrix (1999) |
They Live (1988) |
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In The Matrix, Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), a spiritual advisor to Neo (Keenu Reeves) tells Neo, "What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there is something wrong with the world." |
In They Live, Nada (the late Randy Piper) discovers some special sunglasses made with a special chemical that allows one to see subliminal messages of a ruling elite and their true negative ET identities. |
Morpheus then offers Neo two pills, one blue and one red. If he takes the blue pill, he will fall back asleep and wake up believing whatever he wants to believe. |
The subliminal messages are meant to keep people subdued and willing to accept the authority of the ruling elite, which seeks total world domination. |
If he takes the red pill, Morpheus will show Neo "how deep the rabbit hole (The Matrix) goes.". |
Mainstream Media |
"There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don't need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level.." |
- William B. Bader, former CIA intelligence officer, briefing members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein |
Concentration of Ownership |
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What is the Matrix? |
The Matrix is a false reality created by the groups we call the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Khazarian mafia, their international crime syndicates, and their non-human allies. It is designed to make humanity believe that we must work hard, pay our taxes, consume as much as we can, follow the laws that are established by governments claiming to be democratic and support these governments when they use military means to initiate regime changes in other countries to stop human rights abuses, terrorism or other acts of aggression. |
Here are some components that help maintain The Matrix |
Mainstream News |
If we don't say it, it's not real news. You can trust us. |
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. . ." |
David Rockefeller |
founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting in June 1991 |
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Links: |
"6 Giant Corporations Control the Media" |
Video: "European Media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure - German journo" |
"State Department Admits It Deliberately Cut Video Confirming It Lies To The Public" |
The Global Media Control, Bibliotycapleyades |
The Real Truth Behind the Media: A Brief Look At The Influence, Psychological Manipulation, And Conspiracy Theories On Society By Mainstream Media, by Jason Knapper |
Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, by Ryan Holiday |
Who Really Controls the Mainstream Media? The Millennium Report |
Who Controls the Media, The Global Movement |
Who Owns the Media, FreePress |
Special Note for Independent Journalists: |
Here are links to two sites for information that is important when using (or planning to use) a VPN in 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes and 14 Eyes countries: |
"Available VPNs in relation to 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes and 14 Eyes government surveillance alliances" |
"A Guide for the Savvy Journalist in a World of Ever Decreasing Privacy" |
Electronic Surveillance |
We know everything about you. |
"In the future, intelligence services might use the [Internet of things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials." |
James Clapper, Director of U.S. National Intelligence before a Senate panel |
(Website author modified image using NSA binocular image from this source.) |
Links: |
The Five Eyes |
The Snowden Archive - a collection of all documents released by Edward Snowden |
A Very Slippery Slope - Yes, Your Samsung Smart TV Can Listen to Your Private Conversations |
Big Barbie is Watching You - Meet the WiFi Connected Barbie Doll that Talks to Your Children and Records Them |
No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the Surveillance State, by Glenn Greenwald |
Rogue Justice: The Making of the Security State, by Karen J. Greenberg |
"Take Back Your Power" - a 2013 award-winning documentary on public utilities attempts to install smart meters worldwide. |
How to avoid online surveillance: |
Here is a link to a website that provides an excellent but simple explanation of how to avoid surveillance when you are using the Internet. |
It explains how you can be easily tracked through your IP address and how you can use a VPN to hide your IP so your activities online cannot be tracked. |
Follow this link on CoolTechZone here. |
Healthcare |
Just take these drugs and these vaccines |
"So by taking over the medical industry in 1910, through studies which he made through the Carnegie Foundation, John D. Rockefeller emerged as the kingpin of the medical monopoly in the United States. And he now presided over an allopathic system of medicine controlled through every legislature by accreditation of hospitals, control of physicians, control of medications, which is essentially what we have today." |
E.C. Mullins in "Rockefeller Medicine", Episode 286 of The Corbett Report |
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Links: |
Big Pharma Revealed as the Puppetmaster behind TPP Secrecy |
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures |
"Truth in Media: How Big Pharma Rakes in Profits From Deadly Drugs" |
CNBC: "Medical errors are third-leading cause of death in the U.S.: Study" |
"Man-Made Epidemic" - 'A journey to find out the truth about the autism epidemic' - a new documentary that premieres in London on June 25, 2016. |
Murder By Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America, by E.C. Mullins (PDF) |
"Patent Reveals Plan to Hide Vaccines In food Particles" |
Rockefeller Foundation Played Critical Role In Chinese Medical History |
The Drug Story, by Morris A. Bealle (PDF) |
The History of the Pharma-Cartel |
"The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives" by Kevin Mugur Galalae in Epidemiology |
"VAXXED", a documentary on vaccines |
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert DeNiro Press Conference on Vaccine Safety and the CDC. |
Lawmakers |
Lawmakers will do what we tell them to do, or else; Democracy? What Democracy? We control the voting process. |
"In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks." |
Sen. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala |
"The official narrative is: old man, long-time public servant, dies peacefully in his sleep of natural causes. This is the thin gloss that prevents any Washington politician with clout from demanding an investigation? This quiets and |
paralyzes the entire federal establishment, including eight Justices of the Supreme Court?" |
The Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. |
Jon Rappoport, "Scalia: Silence of the lambs" |
Links: |
A Shadow Government Controls America |
BlackBoxVoting.org - a nonpartisan investigative reporting and public education organization for elections |
"Proven Voting Fraud! Government programmer testifies voting machines are rigged" |
The State, the Deep State and the Wall Street Overlord |
Three Corporations Run the World: City of London, Washington, D.C. and The Vatican |
35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You To Know |
"Hacking Democracy" - 2011 HBO special documentary on the ease of rigging elections. |
Food, Water and Air |
We dumb you down so you are subdued (and die at an early age). |
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Genetically modified food, fluoridation and geoengineering, including chemtrails, are all efforts of bioengineering to achieve the globalists' transhuman agenda. |
GMOs: "Studies on laboratory animals have shown that GMOs can cause birth defects, high infant mortality rates, fertility problems, sterility, immune system deregulation, and accelerated aging, in addition to many other side effects." - from Genetically Engineered Foods FAQ (PDF) |
Fluoride: There is evidence that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, the 'third eye', leading to a host of health problems, including cancer, making human susceptible to mind control and preventing the 'third eye' from functioning. |
Geoengineering, bioengineering and chemtrails: "HAARP technology with its ionized chemtrails constitutes a global-scale DEW (directed energy weapons) system." from Introduction to 'Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth' by Elana Freeland |
Links: |
"32 Photos from INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before" |
About The Sky - Sofia Smallstorm's site on chemtrails, geo-engineering, Morgellon's Syndrome, etc. |
"At least 33 US Cities Used Water Testing 'Cheats' Over Lead Concerns", The Guardian |
"'Black Friday' for GMO in Russia" |
Top 10 Studies Proving Dangers of GMO Food |
Fight Against GMOs * Non-GMO Project * Say No to GMOs |
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water - NoFluoride.com |
Fluoride Action Network |
Geoengineering Watch |
Global March Against Geoengineering |
Links to Chemtrail-related websites |
Video: NASA admits to using chemtrails |
HD Documentary: Chemtrails - the Secret War |
The Corbett Report: "Chemtrails Exposed: The Past, Present and Future of the New Manhattan Project" |
Inventions - Suppressed Technologies |
We make sure our industries survive, so we suppress any new technology that could threaten them. |
Inventions that could trigger the SAWS system, as described on page 30 of the document released through FOIA, included: |
"1. perpetual motion machines, 2. anti-gravity devices, 3. room temperature superconductivity, 4. free energy - Tachyons, etc., 5. gain assisted superluminal light propagation (faster than the speed of light), 6. other matters that violate the general laws of physics, 7. applications containing claims to subject matter which, if issued, would generate unfavorable publicity for the USPTO, 8. applications reciting business methods or E-commerce system that would signifcantly impact the industry, and 9. emerging technologies implementing metamaterials - Application implementing metamaterials having negative refracting index to currently existing and known art in the invention to achieve an invisible cloaking device around the object redering the object invisible over certain band of wavelengths." |
"We now have the technology to take ET home." |
Ben Rich, Director of Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works, 1975~1991, speaking to UCLA alumni in 1993 (eyewitness account) |
Ben Rich's comments and those of Corey Goode (see Cosmic Disclosure and Sphere Alliance) indicate the existence of a Secret Space Program with technology hundreds or even thousands of years in advance of what Earth-humans have, including healing technologies, space travel, free energy and replicators. |
Links: |
Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries by Jonathan Eisen |
Energy Devices and Processes Generally Suppressed |
How the Government Suppresses Free Energy Technologies |
7 Suppressed Inventions That Would Have Changed The World |
The Orion Project - Suppressed Energy Technologies |
"This Is What the 'Secret Government' Does To New Technologies That Could Change Our World" |
U.S. Patent Office's SAWS - Sensitive Application Warning System (PDF) - released as an FOIA reponse (Note: Due to public scrutiny, after 20 years SAWS was discontinued in March 2015.) |